Our current food system is not equitable. We waste almost a third of the food that we produce, whereas there are people out there who don’t get any food. We use natural resources in a way that degrades the land and causes climate change.
Quantity is valued over quality. This system needs to be fairer so that it benefits people and the environment. Here are some ways to transform the food system.
Use the regenerative power of the earth
Our environment is degrading due to the way we produce food. There is climate change and loss of biodiversity. If we go for regenerative agriculture, then we will have healthy soil which will produce nutrient-rich food. This is beneficial for people’s health. At the same time, the land improves, which helps the farmers with food production.
Develop a strong local food system
A strong local food system should be developed. Then it will keep the natural resources, nutrients and minerals circulated. This will give a better environmental solution, lower the frequency of imports, and create jobs for local people.
You can treat the wastewater to get the minerals like phosphates. You can transform the food waste into valuable nutrients by returning it to the soil instead of dumping them. The organic waste can be used for bioenergy which in turn can be used to power agribusinesses and homes.
Give voice to the farmers
Instead of controlling the entire system, it is important to give voice to the farmers. The farmers must be empowered so that they can support more populations. They will lead the global regenerative revolution, so they must be included in the policy discussions.
The shift from low cost to the actual cost
Though the food is cheap, it doesn’t consider the other factors like health bills that incur due to eating unhealthy food and the cost of biodiversity loss and land degradation. Instead of making food cheap by using chemicals and unhealthy ingredients, the true cost of food must be determined.
The farmers are also paid low, which makes the overall cost of food cheap. The farmers’ wages must be increased, and they must be encouraged to use organic ways of producing food. This may increase the cost of the food initially, but over the years, you will save a lot as your medical bills will go down, and the environment won’t be affected.
Therefore, regenerative agriculture, giving voice to farmers, finding the true cost of food, and building a strong local system can transform our food system to provide benefits to people and the environment.