Author: Food Sovereignty Now!

Casinos That Farming Their Own Food

Many people are now engulfed in the world of online casinos. They can get plenty of bingo rooms at mFortune and win some real cash. However, the charm of traditional casinos, where you get dining experience and entertainment as well, is still absent in the online casino scene. Food is an important part of casinos…

6 Casino Food Service Ideas

Food service is a part of the casino industry, and it’s changing now due to technology and other factors. Though food services are not needed in online casinos where people play for free online, the food system in traditional casinos is changing. Now the casino services have shifted from a fine-dining experience for the rich,…

Reasons Agroecology Is So Important in Farming

The food systems today supply a large volume of goods to the market. However, the food system is resource-intensive, and it affects the land due to deforestation, biodiversity loss, scarcity of water, greenhouse emissions, and soil depletion. These have serious consequences on the environment, and we are now facing very critical climate change and other…

Ways To Transform Food Systems to Help People

Our current food system is not equitable. We waste almost a third of the food that we produce, whereas there are people out there who don’t get any food. We use natural resources in a way that degrades the land and causes climate change. Quantity is valued over quality. This system needs to be fairer…

All You Need to Know About Food Sovereignty

Have you ever thought about the long journey your food makes to come into your plates? The journey is affected by climate, privatisation, political forces, and other things. Here you will learn about food sovereignty and how the global food system today is fighting inequalities. The term ‘food sovereignty’ was first voiced by the La…